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Mobile apps such as Wi-Fi Skeleton Key and Wi-Fi Key allow users to hack into encrypted Wi-Fi networks and access the Internet without a username or password. But what many users probably don't realize is that information about them is being collected for marketing purposes.

Mobile apps such as Wi-Fi Skeleton Key and Wi-Fi Key allow users to hack into encrypted Wi-Fi networks and access the Internet without a username or password. But what many users probably don't realize is that information about them is being collected for marketing purposes. Onda VX580W Deluxe Edition 8G A10 tablet computer … 2016-2-22 · The user can through the WIFI free webpage browsing, online video, QQ, Fetion, micro-blog and various network applications; also available through electronic market wireless download massive free software, access to a variety of popular games, tools, office software. Communications - English--千龙网·中国首都网 2015-11-11 · Internet cafes are plentiful in central Beijing and cost 3-15 yuan ($0.23-$2) per hour for a relatively high-speed connection. They are generally open all night. Many bars and cafes offer free Wi-Fi services. Internet access and other high-tech services are Reisen mit Smartphones - Radio China …