Dec 04, 2019 · Run the command below to reload the Nginx service: sudo systemctl restart nginx. Nginx can also be directly controlled with signals. For example, to reload the service you can use the following command: sudo /usr/sbin/nginx -s reload. To start the Nginx service execute the following command: sudo systemctl start nginx

Mar 13, 2019 · The systemctl command is much more versatile than service. This is what I usually prefer. sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service. The network icon (again) should disappear for a moment. To check out other systemctl options, you can refer to its man page. 3. nmcli. This is yet another tool for handling networks on a Linux machine. Jan 11, 2019 · Fig.02: nmcli command in action. Linux Force dhclient to renew IP address on a CentOS 7/Ubuntu/Debian and other Linux-based server. Most modern Linux-based system uses the systemd as a init system and here is how to force Linux to renew IP address using DHCP. reset command in Linux system is used to initialize the terminal. This is useful once a program dies leaving a terminal in an abnormal state. Note that you may have to type reset to get the terminal up and work, as carriage-return may no longer be work in the abnormal state. Systemctl command will shutdown all running services and process before restart the debian system. Restart debian Linux using reboot command. Quickest way to restart debian is to use reboot command. Type reboot in the terminal and your debian server will restart immediately. Mar 15, 2017 · The service command usage is a bit different from systemctl. The service name and start|stop|restart options are switched: sudo service httpd start sudo service httpd stop sudo service httpd restart

The kill command is commonly used for terminating processes. Internally, this command sends specific signals to a process that determines the behavior of the process. The default behavior of the kill command is to terminate a process by sending the TERM signal. To kill a process, you will need its PID, which can be obtained using the ps command.

Jan 26, 2020 · To restart the server, you'll need shell access to the operating system that Apache's running on. With a dedicated virtual private server, you'll either log in to a shell prompt through a browser or using a Secure Shell session initiated from your local computer. Mar 04, 2020 · How the ip Command Works. With the ip command, you can adjust the way a Linux computer handles IP addresses, network interfaces controllers (NICs), and routing rules. The changes also take immediate effect—you don’t have to reboot. The ip command can do a lot more than this, but we’ll focus on the most common uses in this article. Mar 10, 2020 · Restarting the network interface by using command lines will require certain user privileges, as well as designation as the system's root user, or via the Sudo. There are separate commands to restart the network services and to restart a particular network interface. Linux: Restarting the Network Interface Using Command Lines

May 15, 2018 · For instance, you can send the HUP (hang up) signal to the kill command, which will effectively restart the process. This is always a wise choice when you need the process to immediately restart (such as in the case of a daemon). You can get a list of all the signals that can be sent to the kill command by issuing kill -l.

Jan 26, 2020 · To restart the server, you'll need shell access to the operating system that Apache's running on. With a dedicated virtual private server, you'll either log in to a shell prompt through a browser or using a Secure Shell session initiated from your local computer. Mar 04, 2020 · How the ip Command Works. With the ip command, you can adjust the way a Linux computer handles IP addresses, network interfaces controllers (NICs), and routing rules. The changes also take immediate effect—you don’t have to reboot. The ip command can do a lot more than this, but we’ll focus on the most common uses in this article.