Puppy Linux is an operating system and family of light-weight Linux distributions that focus on ease of use [4] and minimal memory footprint.The entire system can be run from random-access memory with current versions generally taking up about 210 MB, [5] allowing the boot medium to be removed after the operating system has started.

Macpup is an operating system based on Puppy Linux, which has Puppy's normal JWM window manager available, but also includes the Enlightenment WM; users can quickly switch window managers without rebooting. Puppy 2 koristio je Mozilla-baziran SeaMonkey kao primarni web preglednik i e-mail klijent. Puppy 3 bio je Slackware 12 kompatibilan. Puppy 4 izgrađen je pomoću T2 SDE skripta. Puppy 5 baziran je na projektu zvanom Woof, koji pak omogućuje da se Puppy Linux izgradi iz bilo koje druge Linux distribucije. Vanjske poveznice Puppy Linux är gjord för att den skall vara lätt att använda, även för en nybörjare på Linux som kanske bara har använt Windows eller OS X förut. Puppy Linux har en mängd "wizards", dvs små peka/klicka-guider inbyggda för att det skall vara lätt att få igång sin hårdvara. Puppy Linux on GNU/Linux-käyttöjärjestelmän pienikokoinen (noin 100 megatavua) jakelupaketti, joka on mahdollista käynnistää esimerkiksi CD-ROM-levyltä, USB-muistilta, kiintolevyltä tai Flash-muistilta. Live-CD:nä käyttäessä koko systeemi latautuu tietokoneen RAM-muistiin, jolloin ohjelmat käynnistyvät hyvin nopeasti. Puppy Linux este un LiveCD cu o distribuție Linux foarte redusă ca dimensiune (210 MB) care este axat pe ușurința în folosire. [4] Întregul sistem de operare și aplicațiile rulează din memoria RAM, lăsând utilizatorul să scotă discul optic sau memoria USB după ce sistemul de operare este pornit. Puppy Linux 日本語版 アーカイブ(ミラー) パピーリナックス日本語フォーラム・・・2019年9月21日復旧。 Puppy Linux 日本語版(ミラー) Puppy Linux 日本語版(OSDN)・・・ドキュメントのみ。ファイルはありません。 Puppy Linux is a collection of multiple Linux distributions, built on the same shared principles, built using the same set of tools, built on top of a unique set of puppy specific applications and configurations and generally speaking provide consistent behaviours and features, no matter which flavours you choose.

Macpup is an operating system based on Puppy Linux, which has Puppy's normal JWM window manager available, but also includes the Enlightenment WM; users can quickly switch window managers without rebooting.

A light-weight Linux distribution is a Linux distribution that has lower memory and/or processor-speed requirements than a more "feature-rich" Linux distribution. The lower demands on hardware ideally result in a more responsive machine, and/or allow devices with fewer system resources (e.g. older or embedded hardware) to be used productively. Astra Linux is a Russian Linux-based computer operating system developed to meet the needs of the Russian army, other armed forces and intelligence agencies. It provides data protection up to the level of "top secret" in Russian classified information grade.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Puppy Linux is an operating system for computers. It is based on GNU/Linux and it is completely free and is open source software. Puppy Linux is sometimes called a mini distribution because of its size (approximately 100MB) when compared to other GNU/Linux operating systems such as Ubuntu.

Puppy Linux Ovaj članak ili dio članka nije pokriven izvorima (literatura, internetske stranice itd.). Pomozite Wikipediji navođenjem odgovarajućih izvora. Puppy Linux je malena distribucija Linuxa fokusirana na jednostavnost korištenja i minimalno zauzimanje memorije.