The answer to the question “Do Macs need antivirus or anti-malware software?” is “No, but…” As a Mac user since late 1984, I have never had a virus, and I’ve rarely seen malware that caused an issue for more than just a few minutes.

Despite constant claims that the Mac is immune to computer cooties, some folks remain unconvinced. Do or do you not need antivirus/security software? Here's my take. Safeguard your data and peace of mind by using the best antivirus and internet security software for Mac. We explain everything you need to know. MACS DO NOT GET VIRUSES, Mac OS X was built protected from the core of the OS. Other security issues, Apple will put out a security update, typically for the last 3-4 generations of Mac OS X Sep 26, 2017 · Thanks to a smaller market share and an incompatible software environment, Macs don’t need antivirus software like Windows computers do. While any computer can benefit from the protection of well-made and updated antivirus software, it’s not an essential operating requirement for Macs.

Aug 22, 2019 · But if you want to make your own informed decision about whether Macs need antivirus software, you’ll need to examine the facts. Let’s explore such topics as what built-in protection macOS offers, what types of threats it can and cannot stop, and several common myths about antivirus software. First, let’s get some terminology out of the way. Jun 11, 2020 · Intego is a veteran antivirus provider which has been defending Macs for over two decades now, so if there’s any software that knows what kind of security Apple machines need, this is it. Mac

Safeguard your data and peace of mind by using the best antivirus and internet security software for Mac. We explain everything you need to know.

Adware, spyware, ransomware, and hardware and software vulnerabilities are some of the problems now affecting Macs, and not just PCs. Read on to learn more about some of the most common malware and viruses that can affect Apple devices, what the signs are, and what you can do to help protect your devices. Oct 06, 2018 · To find out if Macs need antivirus software, you first need to know if Macs can even get viruses. The simple answer is yes. Like any other type of technology, Macs have weak points that viruses and other malware can exploit.